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      What is a POS system


      A "POS" system stands for "Point of Sale" and translates into Spanish as "Punto de Venta". While this term may refer to the physical space where users go to make their purchases, it also applies to programs that are intended to systematize the sales and inventory control of the physical point of a business.

      A POS system is a set of hardware and software tools that aim to increase the productivity of businesses, helping them to bill quickly and to keep total control of point-of-sale revenues.

      A POS system also provides control of the company's inventory. Many of the systems have been designed to keep a real time count of the amount of products that are handled in the inventory.


      Traditional POS vs. Cloud POS: differences between blog types

      When we talk about a POS system we can refer to two types: a traditional system, which operates through direct installation and a cloud system that works through the Internet. To be clear about these concepts it is necessary to define them below:

      Traditional POS System

      A traditional POS system is one that operates on a single computer network and needs to be installed individually on each computer on which you want to work. To use these traditional systems, a license is required and upgrades must be done manually.

      Traditional systems are usually more expensive and require a local server for data storage. It is also necessary to purchase robust equipment for its operation.

      Cloud POS System

      Cloud POS systems are the current and most recommended option in POS, since they work through the internet and allow users to access it from any device, such as tablet, computer or cell phone.

      The advantage of a POS system in the cloud is that it does not require any installation and can be consulted from anywhere quickly and with updated information.

      Orion Suite POS system works even without internet connection, because it was designed to solve connection failures that some users may have. With Orion Suite POS you can generate sales and add payments and as soon as the internet connection is restored they will be automatically synchronized, even generating accounting and administrative reports.


      Advantages of a POS system

      1. They provide useful information: They offer detailed information of each transaction that is made, so they become an ally of the company. The generation of reports and the information provided by a POS system are data that can later be used to perform accounting operations corresponding to sales revenue. Alegra's POS system automatically generates the accounting entry.
      2. Mobility: This is an advantage that is mainly attributed to cloud systems, as they can be used on any mobile device. Currently, the mobility of POS systems is being leveraged around the world, with staff placing orders directly from a tablet and going to where the users are.
      3. Customer experience: Customers will always have high expectations when it comes to being served in a business and with the use of a POS system you can achieve the desired experience, which is nothing more than quality service and no high wait times.

      In conclusion, having a POS system is an investment that generates great results and is worth it, because of how multifunctional it can be. If you want to know how a POS software can help you save time, we invite you to request a free demo.
